What The PUG !!

What The PUG comes up if you search for a Dog cafe in Singapore; but from our experience its not a cafe, it was more like a dog play workshop. 

It’s located at #80, Haji lane, 189271 Singapore. Its a heritage (shop house) building where the ground-floor is dedicated to the workshop experience and upstairs is where the pugs are kept. The premises runs multiple sessions each day and you will need to purchase your tickets upfront online. We had booked ours at 6pm on a weeknight and we were there along with another couple only. The session lasts 45mins. 

Our session started at 5:50pm. The owner invited us inside and asked us to remove our foot-ware, put all our belongings inside our bags and give him our bags for safe keeping. As soon as we entered the room, he told us to wash our hands and dry them and made us sit on the bench which had a cabinet underneath. Then, he began with a briefing of the ground-rules.

Then the owner gave us a very small packet with some dog food in it. As soon as he gave that, the dogs started climbing on all our laps to get the food. Some dogs were hyper and wanted to eat all the food. While some of them patiently waited near our legs. Most of them tried to lick the food from your hand. So, initially it was a fun activity. But some also tried to bite the food from your hand which felt like a slightly pinch, but nevertheless a a little scary.

Once we were done with the feeding part, he introduced all the pugs one by one. He told us their names, where they came from and their characteristics. For example, the oldest dog wasn’t feeling good because of the cataract on his eyes. The youngest pug was the most hyperactive and the smartest among all. There was also the less smartest, most lazy and the alcoholic too. Calling a dog alcoholic sounded funny and nice. There were 11 pugs in total, in which 1 was supposed to arrive late.

All the dogs were constantly noticing it’s owner. He said that always notice their owner which gives them the feel of being safe. Every time he moved from one place to another, that all kept turning towards him and some also run behind him. With such a large group of pugs; the owner being present in the workshop also puts you at ease as he appeared to have full control over the pugs. 

After a few minutes of play, you could pick your pug and the owner would carry them onto your lap for you to hug for a photo.

Unfortunately though, the girl in the other couple had her face mask and a rubber band in her pocket which one of the pugs found out. And a few pugs became a little aggressive trying to bite onto the mask. Luckily, the was present and quick to notice, so he assisted by collecting the mask and placing it elsewhere. Few moments later the owner left the room and meanwhile the same dog which found the mask in her pocket started scratching her pocket. And since she tried to get up and escape, he started growling and pounced on her leg and scratched her legs. For a brief moment, it appeared as though other dogs were trying to communicate with one another to get this one bad actor to stop but the decision wasn't unanimous. Luckily the ordeal didn't last too long, the owner was back in the room and the pugs settled down again.

The older pugs had their own spot to sleep. So, 3 of them went to sleep. 1 jumped onto my husband’s lap and lied down as he massaged him. One got onto mine and lied down. And one pug was sitting right in front of me, letting me pet him. Every time some thing happened, the one on my lap went out and then came back to my lap and settled in his comfortable position it was really cute when he did that. 

And then there was the alcoholic who was all into the camera, to bite it. He also successfully punctured a hole on the tripod and licked the lens.

I’m putting the video’s link below for you to see what all he did to the camera.

Finally, the owner carried the oldest upstairs and the other dogs became very impolite and started barking and growling and wanted to  be carried too. But the owner had a strict and loud tone saying he won’t carry them and everyone ran behind him. Except, there were 2 dogs which ran inside the bench cabinet to hide themselves. The owner came back and tried to drag them out and push them to go upstairs, but they did not even move an inch. So he carried them too. 

With that the session ended and we received a printed copy of our photos with the pugs and were instructed to take a canned drink on our way out.

Overall, it was a good session. I did not know how this 45mins passed by. I liked the experience. It felt like a very good business idea. 

Also I would definitely recommend this place for anyone who just wants to relax their mind after a busy day or for people who want to spend time with dogs.

Link below for the video:
